8 Senior Winter Safety Tips to Keep Your Senior Loved Ones Cared For

winter safety tips for seniors

Winter’s Here; Are Your Senior Loved Ones Prepared?

During the winter months we all need to be aware of Winter Safety Tips. Things can be very difficult for seniors not only because of the cold and harsh seasonal temperatures. Potential dangers are everywhere. Lets discuss Winter Safety Tips from seasonally large power bills to slippery sidewalks and dangerous driving conditions and how to be prepared. Our elderly loved ones will need more care and attention this season. With that in mind, here are eight important Winter Safety Tips to help keep your senior loved ones cared for and safe during the winter.

1. Reduce Fall Risks During Winter

The biggest danger that seniors risk during the winter is the risk of falling down. That where our Winter Safety Tips come in to play! Falls can lead to broken bones, which are serious for everyone, especially the elderly. You’ll certainly want to salt down icy patches around the house, and ideally arrange it so that your elderly loved ones don’t have to go out, at least not unaccompanied, during the most extreme winter days. But even once they get inside, melted snow from boots could lead to a fall risk. Make sure they have slip-proof paths with something to grab onto nearby, even when indoors during the winter.

2. Make Sure Seniors Are Fully Stocked With Emergency Supplies

Your senior loved ones should have at least a week’s worth of their prescription medications and three or four days’ worth of water and non-perishable food easily accessible to them at all times during the winter. They should also have an emergency kit with first aid, flashlights, fully charged batteries and blankets in case of a sudden power outage.

3. Make Sure the Temperature Is at Appropriate Levels

Loss of heat could lead to a serious problem with your loved one. Because of this, you’ll want to make sure the thermostat is set to at least 68 degrees and check all the insulation in the home to make sure no unnecessary heat is escaping. You may also wish to schedule maintenance for the furnace to make sure it will work property throughout the winter, and fill the tank with heating oil if necessary.

4. Make Sure They Have a Working Cell Phone

In the modern era, there’s no reason for any elderly loved one not to have a working cell phone. Make sure yours does, and that they know how to keep it charged. Program in your number as well as emergency numbers so they can contact whom they need to with just the press of a single button.

5. Stay in Contact During the Winter Months

If you normally see your loved one once a week or less, then take it up to twice a week during the winter. If you normally see them twice a week, consider stopping by every day, if possible. Winter can lead to seasonal depression, especially in seniors, and paying them visits can lift their spirits and help them get through a sometimes depressing part of the year.

6. Make Sure They Dress Warm

You want your elderly loved ones to be comfortable, but you also need to make sure they are dressed warmly enough for the weather, especially when they go outside. Layers of clothing, a warm hat, coat, scarf, socks and gloves are strongly recommended for when your senior loved ones leave the house during the cold winter months.

7. Check Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Cold weather may lead to building fires in the fireplace, if your elderly loved one has one, which can lead to fire hazards and carbon monoxide poisoning. It’s fine if they want to make a fire, as long as you have determined they can do so safely. But it’s critical to make sure all the alarms are functioning properly in case of an unforeseen mishap.

8. Make a Plan for Power Outages

Make sure you and your elderly loved one have gone over a plan for what to do should the power go out during the winter. This includes knowing where the emergency supplies are, knowing who to contact and how to contact them, and knowing where to go if they have to leave the house.

This Winter, the Elderly Will Thank You for Taking Special Care

Following these basic precautions will go a long way towards keeping your elderly loved ones safe, happy and healthy during the cold winter season. Of course, the best thing you can do for your loved ones is be there for them. Make sure they know that needing assistance is nothing to be ashamed of, and people of all ages require and benefit from the help of their loved ones. Love, care and attention are the best things you can provide for the special elderly individuals in your life, no matter what time of year.  

Gwenn McNeal
Gwenn McNeal
Golden Placement Services answered! It’s really difficult to have to place an aging parent into a facility, but our family knew it was time. So I did some research, called 15 facilities, and managed to get on one wait list. I also called two companies that assist with finding homes, and they said they could not help. We were concerned we wouldn’t find a place, and if we did, it could be a very poor choice for our dad. Then I was given Golden Placement Services phone number and I spoke with a lovely woman named LaVona. That’s when everything changed! LaVona listened to our family’s needs, was understanding, and within days, she had arranged places for us to visit. How she found them, I don’t know, but she did! She met us there, listened some more, answered questions, and offered sage advice. We will forever be grateful for Golden Placement Services help in making this very tough decision. We absolutely know that my dad is in the right place to spend the rest of his life. And, we wouldn’t have that assurance today, had we not been connected with their wonderful service! They have blessed us greatly and we are sharing their information with others we know who are going through the same process.
Maureen S.
Maureen S.
Our family is so grateful for Diane and her company. They have helped us, two times find placements for our family members. We are now working now to find a great situation for another elderly family member.. Best thing, THEY CARE about each client and their wellbeing... THANK YOU, Diane
Addison Inman
Addison Inman
What a great resource for seniors in this area. Great, honest work. Very knowledgeable.
Denise R
Denise R
They were very helpful and while being professional, kind and caring. They were thorough in trying to find the best arrangement for our situation and followed-up to make sure client's new arrangements were satisfactory. I highly recommend them.


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