Safe Footing: Walk Safely in the Winter

Safe Footing

First, for those of us who would climb up a ladder to string Christmas lights or clean out gutters we put ourselves at risk. Be CAREFUL and Don’t click this link because we all know Winter is the most dangerous season this link just shows you the data. Yuck! For better Senior Safety Here is how to keep your Footing. In conclusion, we want you to have fun and stay safe.  Follow these easy tips to stay safe when you are working outside or walking:Safe Footing for Seniors

  • If you must climb; There’s no substitute for a ladder
  • Use slip-resistant tacky strips for walkways and stairs  Read More!
  • Wear slip-resistant shoes
  • Keep your hips above your feet, with your center of gravity directly over your feet. This way you create better stability.
  • Use short steps or shuffle forward and walk flat-footed 
  • Wear mittens to keep your hands out of your pockets
  • Link arm in arm with another(not their hand) when walking on a slick surface

Senior Safety : Home Safety Assessment for Elderly

Let’s discuss what you can do to ensure safe footing on penetrable surfaces. Here is a nice 8 page booklet on safety in the home  – home safety assessment for elderly from our friends at the CDC. So it may take a bit time to make a safe place but it will all be worthwhile.


Safe Footing Resources from Golden Placements:

In conclusion, Winter months get tough and this may be a good time to find a place for mom with good footing! We can help! Here are more resources to help you learn more about Safety:


Diane Delaney, Placement Specialist Extraordinaire

Diane Delaney, Golden Placement Services
Diane Delaney

Delaney is the founder of Golden Placement Services. She began this business with a healthy dose of compassion for  helping families make educated decisions regarding senior placement. Focused to relieve stress in uncertain senior housing crucial moments.  Diane brings about loving change of lifestyle with grace. Additionally, Diane is an accomplished executive manager, Director of Operations in senior housing. Emphatically, she enjoys sharing her experience by writing about the full spectrum of the transition process for seniors and family members.

Read more from Senior Placement Specialist Diane: Ultimate Senior Living Resource Guide >>

LaVona Tombrelin, Senior Placement Specialist

LaVona Tomberlin
LaVona Tomberlin

Tombrelin brings a high level of education and experience to you as your Senior Placement Specialist at GPS. She loves writing about improving the lives of Elderly working in private care and in-home care for over 36 years. Geriatrics, Memory Care. Plus, she holds Master of Psychology Behavioral Health with the goal of advocating for those who needed a voice. Basically, LaVona believes helping the families to make good decisions and to relieve their stress in uncertain times makes life worthwhile!

Learn More: Read articles from Placement Specialist LaVona: End of Life Transition a heart felt Guide >>



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